Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Halie Hoo

Halie at TWO 2

Halie at One copy

Halie Birth copy

Is she really TWO? I cannot believe how fast time flies! It seems like just yesterday we were finding out that we were having a GIRL... and then bringing her home from the hospital in her little tutu on Halloween... and now our little girl is turning two! Halie was such a great baby! She never cried and was always happy! She is a good little girl and it has been fun to see her personality change! She is a spunky little girl now! She stands up for herself, to her detriment sometimes... a few weeks ago the nursery leader said "she was kind of a bully today!" So we have been practicing being nice to "babies" (anyone her size or smaller!) I feel so lucky to have a daughter and look forward to the fun years we have ahead of us!

At age two Halie:

Still sucks her thumb... oops!

Can count to eleven (believe it or not she can!)

Says "I love it _____" bike... doll... blankie (fill in the blank with whatever she sees)...

Loves to carry around a purse (especially her red one from Ashley)

Loves dolls

Loves her pink silky blankie

Sleeps in her big girl bed all night!

Loves playing with her big brother Micah

Is a daddy's girl

LOVES having her toes painted

Won't take her "pretty pretty's" off (bracelets)

When asked where's Daddy? Halie responds everytime: chuuch (can't say her "r" sound)

When asked where's Micah? Halie responds: peakool (preschool)

Halie is such a good little girl and has added so much joy to our family!
Happy 2nd Birthday Halie! We Love You!

1 comment:

Megan and Mike said...

my niece is the cutest girl ever!!!!!! you forgot to add that she like to steal purses... and she loves to take cell phones and then pretend like she found them and deliever them to you! she is the best... why didnt you name her meg?