Friday, April 29, 2011

three weeks later...

still loving every little bit of him!

meeting gma and gpa hyde

Jeff's parents are pretty lucky grandparents! They had two babies born in 5 days! They were on "call" for Chris and Katey so were not here for Brock's birth, but came to visit as soon as they could! Here they are with brock {2 weeks old}. Cousin Carter was born and April 21st and was a tiny little guy a whole pound smaller than brock! Can't wait to meet him!


had to put this on here... Halie and her "breast feeding" obsession! ...

First off: she did not learn this from me, I bottle feed.

Second: she thinks milk comes from her tummy ... a little confused but I am not telling her... yes it comes from your tummy Halie!

Third: I am afraid one day when she finds out that she and her brothers were bottle fed she will be horrified and think I am the worst mother on earth!

I hear her in her make believe play saying stuff like : "so do you breast feed or bottle feed" ... "oh you do both?" she cracks me up!


Thursday, April 28, 2011


MY FAMILY?... I don't want to know!

I feel so lucky to have this huge support system! Everyone was ready to hop up and help the second I went into labor (@2:30 a.m.)!

Jeff has anxiously awaited this day... He didn't quite believe it would actually come! Thanks for putting up with me my whole pregnancy... and the years of waiting for this little one to arrive!
My mom had a feeling that she needed to come up even though I wasn't suppose to be induced for another 11 days... She came for the weekend and thank goodness she did! I needed her! She is wonder women! From helping me get to the hospital... getting me through the epidurl... to waking up with my sick kids when I arrived home from the hospital! With no sleep she some how pulled off dinner every night for the whole family (brothers/sister in laws)... took care of my kids, folded laundry, made beds, took kids to and from school. She also planned a fabulous Easter Egg Hunt with homemade Easter Bunnies for each grandchild... Easter Outfits etc. Seriously who has this much energy? MY MOM DOES... or maybe she just pretended she did... But she is AMAZING! I am so lucky she is my mom! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING MOM!!!!!
I decided to have my dad in the delivery room this time... when else will he see another baby born? I am so glad I did! He drove up and arrived about an hour before Brock was born!.. I am so glad he made it! Now that is one Happy Grandpa!
My poor Brother Matt arrived at my house after I had spent a painful two hours trying to breathe through contractions while "getting ready" for the hospital... I had to shower before going... I was gross!.... Well Matt arrived as I had finally finished up getting dressed, only to begin throwing up (among other things) all over myself, my clean clothes, my blow dried and straightened hair... and my fresh makeup! He walked in on a bad moment! Bless his heart for staying with my kids all night... rushing my back xrays over to the hospital so I could get my epidurl... and for taking care of my kids which included McDonalds... boating... going to the park... and many other fun things!!! That's a good brother... and sister-in-law!
Becky was also a trooper! Thanks SO MUCH for doing Halie's hair everyday while I was in the hospital! This stressed me out and I was worried what she would show up to the hospital like.... so THANK YOU for making sure she looked presentable! When I heard you were getting her ready I was relieved!! :) Thanks for entertaining them with Matt, you guys are the best!

I think Marc drove to and from the hospital about a hundred times... bringing Diet Cokes for my mom everytime.... Brock's cute blankets that I forgot at home, and many other things I was to delirious to even remember! Janelle was a saint staying home all day with Braxton and letting Marc be at the hospital! ... Marc was also in the delivery room when Brock was born and took great footage of his birth... from the waist up! :) So glad I have that on tape! And the CINNAMON ROLLS Janelle made when I got home from the hospital were DELICOUS to say the LEAST! Thanks so much you two!!!
Aunt Megan was stuck in Provo and arrived a day after we got home from the hospital! She brought the cutest gift.. including a bucket that you will see lots of pictures of soon! She came.... and took over for my mom who had to leave! Her and Mike {the only one I don't have a picture of cause he didn't want to get Brock sick} were saints!! Mike entertained Halie and Ruthie so that me and Megan could be at the house alone.... He picked up kids from school... dropped them off... brought Diet Cokes... and was Johnny on the Spot! Megan cleaned my bathrooms... mopped my floors... made us dinner... was my personal shopper while I was at home...and helped me survive Brocks 5 day old photo shoot... which was a TASK to say the least!! Thanks so much... glad you came!!!

Micah and Whitney came home early from their Vacation {just for Brock or maybe bad weather) Either way.... they were excited to meet little Brock! Unfortunately, I was amid recovering and in a lot of pain from the waist up if you know what I mean... and didn't get to hang out much with these two but Micah and Whitney helped with entertaining my kids.... including manicures for Halie! Thanks guys!

I also have my cousin Cara that lives close and she always helps out! She kept me sain by letting Halie come play at her house at the end of my pregnancy... and brought beautiful flowers and my favorite treat when we arrived home from the hospital!

JEFF AND I APPRECIATE IT MORE THAN YOU KNOW!!! It is a different dynamic when you have two kids already and are having a baby... it was so nice to have everyone pitching in to help with Micah and Halie so that we could enjoy our first moments with Brock!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

eAsTer 2011

What a fun Easter it was with our new baby! We didn't think he would be here
for Easter so it made it extra special that he was!
We dyed Easter Eggs and it was fun making our family of eggs!
One of my favorite parts of Easter this year was coming home from running an errand and Micah had decorated our front window all by himself (lower part)... He cut out of construction paper an Easter Bunny, a Basket and Easter Grass... and found some blue tape and had it all hung up in the window before I arrived home! What a cute kid! He was telling me all about how he thought it all out, and how he figured out how to cut it all! Darling!! I love that kid! Halie contributed by bringing home art from preschool in which we immediately hung it up in the window! Love this age!

The Easter Bunny found us!
The kids were excited to see their gifts!
Brock was thrilled... he is just shy about it ... ha ha!
The Easter Bunny got the kids names engraved on their scriptures and
Brock got his very first set!

Unfortunetly he wet through his jams, and had to be changed right
after pictures with the baskets....
And he looked so dang cute we had to take a few pictures of him! He is 8 days old!
Look at those cute little feet!
So after he changed it was time to get the kids in their Easter Best for church.... I unfortunately had to stay home, and the kids missed sacrament since Jeff is in the bishopric and was on the stand...
But Jeff met me in the parking lot before Primary and the kids got to stay for the last 2 hours! Micah is learning so much at church ... it is fun to hear the stories he tries and retells when he gets home!
Brock.... our little future missionary! Ready to go with his first set of scriptures!
Later after church we made deviled eggs... the kids were sad to crack the shells off the eggs... so we took a few pics with them and their eggs!
And then... after dinner... Halie felt the urge to take Brock for a little stroll around the house...
And I don't think I will get use to it, or not be nervous...

But she does do a pretty good job so I try to be patient while she is "loving" her brother/baby!

Happy Easter Halie! I should have put him in her basket!
And later that afternoon... we made Easter Treats... and if you lived close by you would have gotten a plate that looked like this!


Happy Easter!

pray for his safety....

9 months is a long time to wait for a baby... but waiting pretty much your whole life for one is a really long time. Ever since Halie could talk we have been hoping for another baby. And ever since Halie learned to pray we have been praying for a baby. So this is a life-long dream of HERS come true! Finally, we finally have our baby that we have been praying
her whole little life to have!

How do I tell her NO? No, you can't put him in your doll stroller and push him around...
No? you can't carry him around the house like a doll?

No, you are not his mom?... I am...
I can't say no!! So, I let her! I let her pretend like Brock is her baby doll...
She totes him around {all day}...
She puts him in and out of her pram... {and he loves it most the time}
She holds him, sings to him, gives him his binky...
and talks so sweetly to him...
She is a pretty good mom I must say!... But when is it my turn?! Sometimes
I think for a moment it might have been good to have twins,
that way there would be enough babies to go around! Ha Ha!


Micah loves his new brother... but is very cautious when holding him. He is completely opposite of Halie. Micah holds him nervously, the other morning he was holding Brock and Micah comes pretty much tip-toeing into our room nervous as could be walking with the baby. "Here dad ... he is crying, I walked really carefully" Where Halie would have thrown him over her shoulder and "burped" him while walking to try to calm him down before we could take Brock away from her. It is fun to see each of them with Brock!

ten days old.

How can I stop posting about this cute little guy! He's ten days old... and this was the day my mom was suppose to come up for me to be induced! I am glad I am not still pregnant, but weirdly wouldn't mind going back to the day he was born! It is such an exciting, better than Christmas-like experience... you want to freeze time forever! But since that can't be done we will just enjoy him being tiny as long as we can!
His cute little hands and feet are peeling... he smells so good...
He's so warm and cuddly and I love laying down with him curled up on me...
oh I could stay like this forever!
Micah rushed home from school today to be able to hold Brock...
He scrubbed his hands as fast as he could and ran over to the car seat to get him out!

Life is getting back to normal... and we are trying to get a routine down so we all can
get ready before 2 in the afternoon! Ha ha ... might take me a few weeks!


Monday, April 25, 2011

nine days old.

Brock is 9 days old... and getting more handsome as the days pass!
We were a little worried that he was sick and had to take him to the Drs today...
but he is just fine... no RSV! :) Yay! He is back up to his birth weight 7 lbs 4 oz.
He only wakes up once at night... @ 3:00 am ...
and then wakes up around 7 and goes right back to bed!
He is everything we dreamed of! We love him to pieces!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

7 days old.

Brock is a whole week old! He is such a cutie! We can't believe a week has gone by! Brock and I had a little date today while Jeff took the kids to the rec center to swim... we went to get a soda and to get a few last minute things for Easter! He was a great shopping partner... didn't make a peep the whole time!
It's a lot of work being a week old! He's exhausted!
Love when he yawns... darling!

Friday, April 22, 2011

new nighttimes...

2 Kids off to bed... and 1 kid that needs to be woken up! So when the Micah and Halie finally settle down... we then have to wake this little one up! Something seems wrong about this... like we are torturing ourselves! No moments of quietness around here!!!
Jeff trying to keep Brock up...
Love his sweet face!
Can I eat... I am awake?
Fine... I'll cry then... and this goes on for about an hour... Happy, sad, hungry, mad... and then he's all tuckered out and ready for bed! And we are too! Ha ha!