Friday, October 10, 2008

The Smell of Throw Up... NOT SO GOOD!

What a day... I mean month... or maybe 2 months!

Okay since the end of August someone in our house has been sick! It started with Micah catching some disgusting virus that lasted for 10 days... I got to enjoy taking care of a high fever, constant throwing up, and then the worse came... canker sores all over his mouth! YUCK! He could barely eat... had to miss preschool... and absolutely hated every second of it. Poor little boy!

Oh wait... poor little girl! HALIE got it next.

Then JEFF.

Then ME!

40 days of attack from this awful virus, one right after the other!... Needless to say we all have been slowly feeling better!

So, I woke up yesterday and thought to myself... Yeah! Today is the first day my mouth doesn't hurt!

Well I thought to soon!

Today started out as a normal Friday, preschool, errands, diet coke (my daily sanity), out to lunch with the kids, and then... FOOD POISONING STRUCK! Halie came out of her room covered in ... warning this may become graphic... hot dog chunked throw up! Sorry to be so descriptive ... but one day my kids better thank me for this!! So Halie's throwing up... then Micah says "mom I think I am tired." Anyone that knows Micah knows he is never tired unless he is sick! So I knew it was going to hit him next! AND IT DID!

Needless to say I have done 8 batches of laundry... mopped the floors twice... and I am in the process of pulling out my carpet cleaner. If I can get Micah up off the living room floor and into his bed we will be in business. He keeps popping his head up and asking... "Mom am I better yet?" "No honey, not yet... almost though"

Cause heaven knows we have had our fare share!

1 comment:

Megan and Mike said...

That is freaking funny and DISGUSTING..... thank you sister for sharing that special hot dog story with the bloggin world... hahahah
and halies boots are dam cute