Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sign Language

Halie kills me! 90% of the time when I ask her a question she likes to answer with her own made up sign language. For example I asked her this particular day if she wanted to take a shower or bath. So she answers by saying "k mom, if I put my arms in a circle like this then that means bath, and if I go like this with fingers like rain it means shower: k mom". And by the time she gets done explaining what each sign means I've usually forgotten what question I asked! Here she is in her silliness!

Moms and Muffins & More!

Today was Moms & Muffins at the kids school! It was fun to spend time with Micah and Halie! (And jade and laken) After school we ended up at the park! What a fun day. Fun to see our house being built from the park!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Want a shoulder ride?

Micah LOVES Brock! Beyond loves him! Every time these two are together Micah says the cutest things about Brock like : isn't Brock so cute mom... He's the cutest in our whole family, and he's so funny huh mom?! ". They are good little buddies! I was laughing so hard this morning when Micah came around the corner.. Brock holding on for dear life.. Micah giggling cause he could barely see! Love these boys!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Gymnastics tryouts!

Halie tried out for "team" this week at gymnastics. She had been taking gymnastics for a year and is ready to move up to team! She tried out this morning with a few friends and can't wait to hear if she made it! Love having a daughter!

Day 28

Roof finished. Still lacking the chimney, and some detail work on peaks. Another day or two with the framers. Heating/air is going in.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 27

Boys room.

(Written in February)

I'm taking down the boys room decor today and painting walls. I wanted to get a few pics of them in their room while it still looked like their room. They have been little buddies and have actually done great sharing rooms even at night for the most part. But it will be nice for them to have their own rooms given their big age gap!

In this room:

Micah moved from a crib to a big boy bed.
Micah played
Micah slept
Lots of goodnight kisses and "good mornings"
Plenty of time outs occurred
Micah and Halie had sleepovers
Lots of company came and stayed
Kids jumped on the bed
Kids climbed in and out of the crib
We read stories.
We caught Micah studying the scriptures all on his own when he was about 6
Micah got a roommate: Brock at 7 mos old!
They giggled and laughed while falling asleep.
Micah sometimes climbed into the crib with Brock.
They both loved their room. And I loved that there were two brothers to share that room!
I will miss the boys room!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 25

Exciting changes everyday!

If I were on Instagram the tags would say


From my front porch

Lookin' in...

I would say 75% of the time these two are best buds and 25% of the time they are fighting so I had to capture this sweet moment a few weeks ago when Micah and halie were quietly playing "doctors" in halies room. I could here Micah saying things like : what are you having? How far along are you? Now how much do you weigh? Halie was of course pregnant with her 700th child. She was in heaven and Micah was loving it too!

First awake...

Brock is usually the first awake around here... So I typically get him out of his crib, pour him milk in a sippy cup, throw some cereal in a baggy and bring him to our bed so I can dose off for a few more minutes. This morning he was extra cuddly and just laid with me and wanted to feed me some cereal! He would giggle as I ate it! Love this boy!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

All in a weeks work.

Our house started on January 28th and now here we are just over 3 weeks later and our house is almost fully framed! We are so excited! From the first wall to the second floor it's been exciting seeing every piece go up! We walked into the house today and Micah was screaming with excitement about the stairs! I think the kids are finally believing that we are really "building" a house!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Day 2013

Valentines is busy when you have two kids in school and a baby to tote around. School parties, teachers to buy for, coaches gifts, and don't forget the neighbors! Throw in building a house and 4 hours of sleep and here I sit in my pjs with unmatching socks and no energy to move from my couch to the bed. But the kids had a wonderful day and that's what matters! We started off the day with "valentine" cinnamon rolls (ok Rhodes cinnamon rolls on valentine plates). They got balloons and chocolates and new flip flops. I have been decorating their doors with hearts filled with things I love about them for 2 weeks. So they read the final heart. Then we Ran Micah to school, stopped by the house... (its being framed!) came home got halie ready and finished getting the craft ready for her class, picked up sugar cookies, met jeff at the house to walk throught it, delivered cookies to the secretaries, dropped halie off with her valentines, grabbed a hamburger for me and Brock ran back to the school, helped at halies party where I had to change brocks poopy diaper twice. Picked Micah up, went to piano, played with the cousins, delivered more valentines ending with nancy. Cooked heart shaped pizzas and then folded laundry. Are you tired? I didn't even mention going to 4 gas stations to "gather straws" for halies craft! Ha! Happy valentines day! Ps. Love the flowers jeff had delivered for halie and me:)