Sunday, September 25, 2011

brock 5 months...

brock has found his hands and he thinks they are great! it is so cute to watch him admire his hand wave in front of his face. he is so cute. he is such a happy little guy and will literally light up with the biggest smile when someone, anyone glances his way! he makes everyone happy!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa's for Labor Day!

I must say I am pretty darn lucky to have such great parents! We decided to go visit them over Labor Day and we had so much fun! :)
The kids love their grandparents!
Gma and Gpa feeding Brock-e-boy!

Squeezing Grandma!
Enjoying some fun in the sun in the backyard!
Brock even got in!
Pretty Happy Kids!
On the way home Brock was not to happy... so we decided to stop for an extended break @ State Line... the kids wanted to ride the Monterail from Buffalo Bills to the mall.. they thought it was great...
Then we walked around the casino and found this fun ride... and thought why not? It was like 10 at night but hey we were on vacation! Micah loved the ride and Halie cried! When she got off she said it made her stomach feel all funny! It was just the break we needed before the rest of the trip home!
We decided it needs to be a new tradition to stop there and ride this ride every time we are on the way home from grandma and grandpas!

We had so much fun! Thanks for a fun get-away mom and dad! Love you!

dance round 2....

If you recall Halie dropped out of dance when she was 3. But now that she is a mature almost 5 year old we are giving it a try once again! Here she is with her cute friend Laken ready for their first day of dance. Halie had to sneak her baby doll into her dance bag just in case she had time to play at the end of class! Classic little Halie!

lots of posts below!

no cashews please!

So apparently Micah is allergic to cashews... who knew?! Poor kid... I tossed some cashews into a stir fry one night when I actually cooked (doesn't happen often) and after a few bites he was going crazy saying his throat was itching! He went to sleep and woke up a few hours later complaining that his hands itched and then the face swelling started. We ended up in the ER after the benadryl failed to work and by Monday were at the allergist getting tested. It was definitely the cashews. We now have an Epi Pen! It is a scary allergy because it is progressive and every encounter gets worse. It could close off his airways which is the scary part! So we are avoiding all nuts just to be safe!
Eyes swelling wondering if we should go to the ER... hoping the benadryl will kick in! Micah was hoping he would feel better in the morning so he could go to church! Such a good boy!
An hour and a half after the Benadryl.... off to the ER
Had to take his giraffe... "Zoogie" to the ER with him... he is still little! I felt so bad... Micah was so nervous and was shaking when the doctors and nurses came in to talk to him! They were so nice to him. Thank goodness for good doctors and nurses!
The best part about the ER... the popsicle! YUM!
We left the ER and headed straight to the pharmacy at 3 in the morning to get an EPI PEN
and lots of medicine....
Benadryl + Steriods + Zantac = One tired boy!
{Asleep in brock's crib... who knows why he picked there to sleep?}
At the allergist! Micah was very brave!
It was sure itchy... The big red dot - CASHEWS ....
thank goodness for the bribes from the doctor!
Candy and Toys worked wonders!
So NO CASHEWS EVER and we were told he needs his tonsils out...
so on to the next adventure!

Best show and tell ever!

Some kids bring their favorite toy... some bring their pets... but Micah won the best show and tell ever when he brought his baby brother brock! :) It was completely Micah's idea and he couldn't be more excited about showing his brother off! It was the sweetest thing!
Here he is as proud as can be!
Calming Brock down... talking in such a sweet voice... all the kids were jealous!
Showing them that he can stand and hold him!
Then the grand finale!... Showing the class how they play airplane! Brock laughed and the kids were thrilled! Moments like this make being a mom the best thing in the world! :) Love my boys! :)

we've got a thumb sucker....

...and a really cute one at that! Love that he is smiling, reacting, and learning new things! I have caught him several times chewing/sucking on this little left thumb of his! ( I think Halie is rubbing off on him)

4 months


We were closer to being on time this week which was a miracle in itself! Party because I didn't really "do" Halie's hair ... but they looked so cute I had to take some pics. Micah stripped his clothes off before I could get a picture but here are cute little Halie and Brock!
4 Months...
4 1/2 years...

Torticollis and Plagiocephaly

This cute little bald guy had a little head issue and we have taken him to a physical therapist twice now. I am glad that we noticed his head being misshaped early because we have been able to do a lot to help fix the problem! He had a head tilt (torticollis) possibly from birth or positioning before birth and that causes a flat spot on his head because his head tilts to one side and as the brain grows it grows in the area of least resistants, causing a flat spot where he lays the most. Needless to say with a little repositioning and physical therapy it has gotten a lot better! We go one more time and if it has gotten better he will not need a helmet! Here are some pics from his doctor appt.

Getting his head measured. The first appt. he was at an 8 which is moderate, and at his second appt a month later (pictured here) he was a 6! Good job BROCK-E-BOY! Hopefully at the next appt. it will be at a 2?!

Happy Camper....

This little boy is such a happy little guy! He has the BEST smile! (a grandpa rosell smile!) Literally all you have to do is look his way, and he just lights up! Here he is enjoying the cool weather on Labor Day in his "Lucky Bums" chair from Grandpa Rande!
4 1/2 Months...

loves his hands (he might be a left hander)
rolls half way over from back to side
rolls from stomach to back
found his voice
grabs toys
is smiley
grabs halie's hair and won't let go
loves playing with Micah (Micah can make him laugh)
loves his minky blanket (can't fall asleep or calm down with out it)
is a binky baby :)
is a momma's boy
loves taking a bath
is such a good boy!

4 going on 16!

Halie cracks me up! She makes us laugh every day... several times! She is a spunky little thing! :)
While on the way home from California this weekend she was just jabbering away in the car in which she tells us that:

"Kelsee (her friend) said she is going to MARRY Justin "BEAVER" and "she really is"

Then she continues to tell us that all her friends are really "into" Justin BEAVER! THey think he is really hot!

Micah piped up from the back seat "HALIE it's not Justin BEAVER... it's Justin BEIBER!!!

So Jeff asked what 'hot" meant and she said it's like he has a sunburn! HA HA!

This girl is something else!!

Friday, September 2, 2011


Little Ute Fan!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Micah Loves School...

Micah loves 2nd grade and his teacher. Yesterday he came home and told me that Mrs. Turnbaugh asked him and Maycee (his little "girl" friend) to be the ones that collected all the laptops and plug them in on these little carts... and Micah was just shocked that she would let him do this "cause it's a pretty big job" But I know she chose Micah because he is such a good responsible boy! I love that kid! He is growing up to be such a good boy! Couldn't be prouder of him!