Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dad's and Donuts Round 2!

Micah could hardly fall asleep last night he was so excited for Dad's and Dounts! He was hoping to get a glaze this year... AND ... he was successful! I love that his school has this tradition! It is not very often we spend alone time with just one kid! So it is a very special day Micah looks forward to all year!

P.S. Trying to get a pic of these two Mr. and Mini Eye Blinker was next to impossible! Micah's poor allergies are horrible ... this was the best we could get! :)


Megan and Mike said...

i love that his school does this, what a cute idea... and i can only imagine micahs excitement!!! he loves stuff like that, im glad he got his glaze:)he is sooo cute!

Matt&Melissa said...

What a cute tradition his school does! He is getting so grown up, I love how he gets so excited for everything...what a handsome little guy!