Sunday, August 15, 2010

Where does the time go...

And where did these pics go! I am in the "Nesting" stage and might be cleaning everything floor to ceiling.. including clearing pics off my computer... I have found so many random cute ones that I have never blogged... so bear with me while I catch up! :)

The night before the First Day of First Grade...
We were able to go to an Open house at Micah's school!
We arrived... Micah a little nervous but excited
to see his classroom and meet his teacher!
They put Micah right to work on a scavenger hunt of the classroom finding all the important places he would need to know for the first day of school!
Getting so big!

1 comment:

Megan and Mike said...

i LOVE that halies baby dolll is sitting on the floor in the corner.... cute pic i dont know how you lost these!!!