Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Lucky Little Lady

This girl had about the BEST DAY EVER this week!  She came running in the door from school announcing that she was student of the month with Micah behind her saying how they called her name over the microphone!  She was thrilled... And then...
We headed to gymnastics where she got "team captain" and got a king size candy bar!  Her day couldn't have been any better!
Oh and the day before this her reading teacher called and told me that she scored so high on her recent test and is doing so awesome that she doesn't really need to be in reading recovery (which I told them in the first place) She said when she tested her before she must have been nervous because in the 3 weeks she's been going she's worked miracles!  Ha!  This is one smart cookie right here! So proud of her!  (See previous post!)

1 comment:

Marc, Janelle, Brax & Millie said...

Yay Halie!!! That is awesome! Proud aunt right here! Love that smart girl! :)