Sunday, June 23, 2013

Micah turns 9

Micah you turned 9 today and its the first birthday I haven't been with you. You are at your grandma and grandpas in California having the time of your life.  As I lay here in bed and think about you, so many thoughts run through my head.  You are half way to becoming a missionary, you are 3 years away from having the priesthood.  I'm not quite sure how you've grown so fast but I am sure proud of the boy you have become!  You absolutely love church.  It's the one thing I don't fight you on doing.  You are like a sponge.  Dad and you tease me that you know more scripture stories than I do, and it's true!  You are a great big brother!  You are always protecting your brother and sister and truley care / worry (a little too much sometimes) about them!  You have made lots of new friends in our new neighborhood  and everyone loves you!  I'm so grateful to have you as my oldest son!  You're my favorite 9 year old in the whole world!  Happy Birthday Micah Moo!
Love mom


micahandwhitney said...

Happy birthday medium Micah!! :)

Marc, Janelle, Brax & Millie said...

He really is such an amazing boy!! Truly has a heart of gold and is soooo smart! You raised one great boy! We love Micah and can't wait to come visit all of you! :)