Monday, December 19, 2011

mErRy EvErYtHiNg...

Christmas Card 2011

We are excited to be going to California this year for Christmas! We are even more excited to have a baby this time of year! He is making everything so fun! :) Hope you all have a fabulous CHRISTMAS!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Brock 7 months old

Brock @ 7 months (pre helmet)

Wanting someone to save him!
Love this boy!
Pouty Lips!

Favorite things: Tag blankies and his thumb!

brock at 7 months:

Got his helmet (2 days prior to turning 7 months)

Eats baby food. Loves bananas. pears. sweet potatoes. squash. apples. Can't shovel it fast enough.

Holds his own bottle.

Finally moved out of his cradle (literally to big for it) :(

Happy Boy.

2 double ear infections and still smiling.

Not interested in a bottle.

Loves dumping a basket of toys... explores then we refill the basket and he fills them again.

EVERYTHING goes into his mouth.

Watch out he loves to eat hair.

Halie changes his wet diapers. She's pretty good at it.

LOVES anything WITH A TAG!

Sucks his bunchy and needs a soft blanket to fall asleep. Usually falls asleep on his side.

Loves his mom the most.

6 days before 8 months he got his first tooth (bottom right) Earliest of my kids.

Goes from sitting to crawling position rocks back and forth... crawls backwards.

Puts himself to sleep. Fell asleep sitting up.

Sits in a cart. LOVES target (Weird)

He makes us all so happy!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree...

Updated tree pic... found this new ribbon yesterday! Couldn't pass it up!

We waited 4 extra days this year to get our tree and were anxious to get it decorated! Uncle Matt and Aunt Becky met us at Costco and we had a little dinner... browsed the toy isles and then loaded our tree up and rushed home to have some hot chocolate and cookies while decorating!
The kids LOVED decorating the tree this year! Brock looked on and enjoyed the hustle and bustle around him!
These two are busy these days... arguing most the time... everything has to be equal... the same so you can only imagine what happened when Halie was faster at putting ornaments on the tree... we ended up making piles for each of them... with the exact same colors, sizes etc. so they could each evenly decorate the tree! (Mom and Dad I am sorry for fighting when I was little!) Ha ha! We did have fun after the problem was solved! And we are loving the smell of the fresh cut tree!
Here it is... didn't my kids do such a great job?! Ha ha! They went to bed and I did a few finishing touches... they didn't even notice that the tree was redone! They were just thrilled they got to decorate it!

What's Wrong Here?

Ok besides the fact he's wearing a helmet... what else is wrong with this picture? Look close....
This silly boy LOVES TO FLIP HIS BINKY UPSIDE DOWN... he does it everyday all the time and I think its so cute! He is pretty much my favorite thing these days! How can you not love that sweet little face! I just want to squeeze him constantly!

DANCE @ Jubilee and Dickens Festival!

Halie started a new dance class in the fall and they have performed twice this holiday season!
Here she is at the Jubilee with her cute friends Laken and Aliya behind stage.... Halie cried for the first 20 minutes and then warmed up to the idea and actually got on stage and performed!
She was a little nervous but I was so proud that she got up on the stage a performed!
This was her tonight at the Dicken's festival! She was so brave not even nervous at all the second time around! Her cute little friend Laken prayed lastnight that Halie wouldn't be nervous! How cute is that!? The prayers were answered and she did great! Not one tear!

Ward Party and Seeing Santa!

When you have three kids... this is about as good as it gets as far as a picture without making a huge scene! Ha Ha! This kids loved seeing Santa...
Brock loved Santa's beard!

And Jeff loved being in a performance without the bishopric... It was pretty funny!

We had a great time at our Ward Christmas Party this year! The kids sang... wish I had a picture only have a video that won't upload (nice).

Ward Party- Check!

On to more holiday festivities!

LoViNg the SNOW globe!

For two nights now Brocks has spent his evenings loving this snow globe... Don't know if it's the Santa inside... the lights the constantly change inside or the glitter but something about it looks tasty to Brock! He bends his whole body in half and sucks on it for hours (ok minutes)! SO CUTE! We are loving having a baby at Christmas! He is so much fun!:)

A visit from Santa...

Santa dropped by the other night and left a gift on our porch! How exciting to come home from our ward party to find a bag full of new pajamas (not to be mistaken for our Christmas Eve pajamas... those are different) and a Christmas Movie! We were so excited to have our Friday night sleepover by the tree in our new cozy jams! :)

mother in the making...

This little girl is going to be the best little mom one day! She has been practicing her whole little life.

So today we were at walmart and she wanted to "push the cart." So I put brock in the basket part so she could see.... she pushed for a little bit and then said... here mom you can do it. I asked her if the cart was to heavy and she said "IT JUST LOOKS SO FUN WHEN YOU'RE PUSHING THE CART ... SO I WANTED TO TRY... BUT IT'S KINDA HARD!" Then she proceeds to ask me: "WHAT DOES IT FEEL LIKE WHEN YOU'RE A MOM?" I told her it feels busy and fun! I told her she will be the best mom when she gets older and she smiled in agreement! What a cutie! I couldn't help but smile! And because I can't post without a pic (should have got one at the store... I made he smile for a pic when we got home!)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

gotta start somewhere...

I have SOOOO much to post and SOOOO little time... so I am just posting as I go right now the most recent and trying to keep up with that and when I have time I will go back and post the past! Bare with me! :)

Early Christmas Delivery!

We came home from Thanksgiving to find a package from Grandma Ruth to start the holiday season off right! The kids were thrilled when they found their own "squishy-funny feeling" stuffed santas and reindeer that they get to sleep with every night till santa comes!
Micah had a hard time choosing which one he thought was the best!
He decided to choose Santa because he said quote "It's funny because Brock is afraid of people stuffed animals so I better let him have the animal one so he won't be scared!" Silly boy!
Halie wanted the Santa too... I think she figures he might bring her an extra present! Ha ha!
Brock was thrilled with Rudolph! In the top picture you will notice he found the TAG right away and was sucking on it! It's his new thing at 7 months... he loves tags, will hold them, rub them, play with them, and then in the end they end up in his mouth!
Perfect gift for brock-e mom!

What a fun way to start off the Season! Thanks grandma!

Thanksgiving & New Cousins!

The three little Indians gobbling up their thanksgiving dinner! It was sure YUMMY!
Grandma did a great job in the kitchen!
Micah (7) Kiley (4 1/2) Halie (5)
Carter and Brock (7 months)! First time meeting eachother! Only 5 days apart!
Two babies to hold... Halie was in heaven to say the least!
Grandma encouraging Brock to figure out the crawling thing... he's almost there...
pretty sure the Christmas tree will motivate him!
Grandma sure had fun with these two boys! She had her hands full!
They loved grandpa too! So fun with babies around again!
Had a great Thanksgiving... the guys (and Aunt Katey) and kids went to the football game! Here is Brock all geared up... but to cold for him to go!

Besides running into my inlaws basketball hoop in my tahoe, and the whole family throwing up for two days it was great! We probably should have left while we were ahead on
Thanksgiving night! ha ha!

Thanks Gma and Gpa for all you did!