So apparently Micah is allergic to cashews... who knew?! Poor kid... I tossed some cashews into a stir fry one night when I actually cooked (doesn't happen often) and after a few bites he was going crazy saying his throat was itching! He went to sleep and woke up a few hours later complaining that his hands itched and then the face swelling started. We ended up in the ER after the benadryl failed to work and by Monday were at the allergist getting tested. It was definitely the cashews. We now have an Epi Pen! It is a scary allergy because it is progressive and every encounter gets worse. It could close off his airways which is the scary part! So we are avoiding all nuts just to be safe!
Eyes swelling wondering if we should go to the ER... hoping the benadryl will kick in! Micah was hoping he would feel better in the morning so he could go to church! Such a good boy!
An hour and a half after the Benadryl.... off to the ER
Had to take his giraffe... "Zoogie" to the ER with him... he is still little! I felt so bad... Micah was so nervous and was shaking when the doctors and nurses came in to talk to him! They were so nice to him. Thank goodness for good doctors and nurses!
The best part about the ER... the popsicle! YUM!
We left the ER and headed straight to the pharmacy at 3 in the morning to get an EPI PEN
and lots of medicine....
Benadryl + Steriods + Zantac = One tired boy!
{Asleep in brock's crib... who knows why he picked there to sleep?}
At the allergist! Micah was very brave!
It was sure itchy... The big red dot - CASHEWS ....
thank goodness for the bribes from the doctor!
Candy and Toys worked wonders!
So NO CASHEWS EVER and we were told he needs his tonsils out...
so on to the next adventure!
I will definitely remember that! That is so scary! I am so glad he ended up being ok and he is so BRAVE!
still cant believe he looked like that..... soooooo scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was very brave
POOR little micah! oh my gosh, i can't even look at those pics without cringing. :( poor kid. he looks like he was a good little patient though :) i'm sure his nurses were loving him!!
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